Results for 'Son Bong Ho'

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  1.  14
    Can the Evangelist Ignore Socio-Political Issues? I.Bong-Ho Son - 1991 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 8 (1):15-17.
    The rapid growth of Korean churches and the conflict-ridden Korean society may serve to illustrate how evangelists should face critical socio-political issues. The Korean experience seems to indicate that evangelists are most effective when they concentrate their entire efforts on preaching “Jesus Christ and Him Crucified” alone. Believers in general, however, should be keenly interested in such issues as human rights and social justice, not only for their own sake but also for the sake of effective future evangelism. The Church's (...)
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    Cultural relativism and the transformation of culture. Author's reply.Bong Ho Son, Bennie J. van der Walt & Lopeti Senituli - 2001 - Philosophia Reformata 66 (1):9-42.
    Culture is a concept that is claimed these days as the last authority for appeal in most discussions on human affairs and as the ultimate cause of important differences among people: “[C]ulture is the sole source of the validity of a moral right or rule”1 Only culture seems to be conclusive for almost all of what men are and what they do. Culture is what we collectively create but, at the same time, what we are determined by; we are our (...)
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    The Power and Egoism of the Modern State: A Christian Perspective.Bong-Ho Son - 1989 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 6 (3):1-5.
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    Statement from the Korea Evangelical Fellowship.Kim Myung Hyuk, Son Bong Ho & Park Jong Ryul - 1986 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 3 (4):28-30.
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  5. Hyŏndae chŏngsin kwa Kidokkyojŏk chisŏng.Pong-ho Son - 1978 - Sŏul: Sŏnggwang Munhwasa.
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  6. Kotʻong pannŭn inʼgan: kotʻong munje e taehan chʻŏrhakchŏk sŏngchʻal.Pong-ho Son - 1995 - Sŏul: Sŏul Taehakkyo Chʻulpʻanbu.
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    The Relationship between Liberal Tendency of Early Confucianism and Theory of Goodness of Men.Tae-Ho Son - 2024 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 116:45-69.
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    Motor Imagery Combined With Physical Training Improves Response Inhibition in the Stop Signal Task.Sung Min Son, Seong Ho Yun & Jung Won Kwon - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundMotor imagery training has a similar effect to that of physical training on motor performance. The objective of this study was to investigate the short-term effectiveness of motor imagery training on response inhibition using the stop signal task.MethodsParticipants were divided into a physical training group, a motor imagery training group, and a motor imagery combined with physical training group. All participants performed 10 SST training sessions over 5 days. Both stop signal reaction time and non-signal reaction time were measured before (...)
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    We are people of the way: An impression of the final session of the conference.Adrian Vlot & Bob Goudzwaard - 2001 - Philosophia Reformata 66 (1):142-152.
    “What should we do then?” This was the urgent question of the people after hearing the penetrative message of the prophet John the Baptist . The same question was inevitable after hearing all the preceding papers and discussions that treated our situation as Christians in our time from different angles. A final plenary session with the 160 participants out of 25 different nations was held to address, summarize and connect the most important issues brought up during the conference. A panel (...)
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    Investigation and Optimization of Grounding Grid Based on Lightning Response by Using ATP-EMTP and Genetic Algorithm.Saeid Gholami Farkoush, Tahir Khurshaid, Abdul Wadood, Chang-Hwan Kim, Kumail Hassan Kharal, Kyu-Ho Kim, Namhun Cho & Sang-Bong Rhee - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-8.
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    A collective essay on the Korean philosophy of education: Korean voices from its traditional thoughts on education.Duck-Joo Kwak, Keumjoong Hwang, Chang-ho Shin, Gyeong-sik An, Woojin Lee, Jeong-Gil Woo, Jee Hyeon Kim, Chunho Shin, Hee-Bong Kim, Jina Bhang, Jun Yamana & Roland Reichenbach - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (1):7-19.
    Since the Korean Philosophy of Education Society was established in 1964, the question regarding the nature of Philosophy of Education as a modern discipline has always been a vexing question to mo...
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  12.  28
    De l’explosion dans Le Transperceneige de Joon-ho Bong.Junga Shin & Yong Ho Choi - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (227):127-143.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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  13. Parent–Child Relationship Quality and Internet Use in a Developing Country: Adolescents’ Perspectives.Thao Thi Phuong Nguyen, Tham Thi Nguyen, Ha Ngoc Do, Thao Bich Thi Vu, Khanh Long Vu, Hoang Minh Do, Nga Thu Thi Nguyen, Linh Phuong Doan, Giang Thu Vu, Hoa Thi Do, Son Hoang Nguyen, Carl A. Latkin, Cyrus S. H. Ho & Roger C. M. Ho - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:847278.
    ObjectiveThe goal of the study was to explore the relationship between parent–children relationships related to using the internet among kids and potentially associated factors.Materials and MethodsA sample of 1.216 Vietnamese students between the ages of 12 and 18 agreed to participate in the cross-sectional online survey. Data collected included socioeconomic characteristics and internet use status of participants, their perceived changes in relationship and communication between parents and children since using the internet, and parental control toward the child’s internet use. An (...)
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  14.  11
    The learning and companionship between GU-BONG(龜峯) and YUL-GOK(栗谷).Heungchul Son - 2018 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 93:7-31.
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    Bong Joon Ho's Parasite and post-2008 Revolts: From the Discourses of the Master to the Destituent Power of the Real.Joseba Gabilondo - 2020 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 14 (1).
    Bong Joon Ho's Parasite has been globally praised for presenting a new perspective on class conflict and for placing the precarious working class at its center. Prestigious awards such the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Festival or the unprecedented Oscar for the Best Film of the Year only corroborate this global consensus. But I think it's the opposite. Parasite is an overworked and convoluted narrative about the impossibility of overcoming, dismantling, or exiting neoliberal capitalism. Literally, the South Korean film (...)
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  16. Transcendentality and the Gift.King-Ho Leung - 2022 - Modern Theology 38 (1):81-99.
    This article seeks to consider the compatibility between the doctrine of the Trinity and the theory of the transcendental properties by offering a consideration of the notion of the ‘gift’ as a transcendental term. In particular, this article presents a re-reading of John Milbank’s influential theology of the gift through Colin Gunton’s project of developing ‘trinitarian transcendentals’. In addition to showing how Milbank’s notion of the gift could be systematically understood in terms of what Gunton calls a ‘trinitarianly developed transcendental’ (...)
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  17. Quan-niệm nhân-vị qua các học-thuyết Đông Tây.Thiếu Sơn Phạm - 1958 - [S.l.: [S.N.].
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    Chippēdes kai Kynikoi.Tzaiēson Xenakēs - 1991 - Athēna: Ekdoseis Apopeira.
    Chippides kai Kynikoi -- Kanete erōta, ochi taphous: hē kainouria thrēskeia -- Hē eleutheria kai ho touristas philosophos --Zōntanē philosophia -- Ho exovelismos tou hyperphysikou -- Hē autoktonia: Stōikē therapeia -- Aphērēmenē agapē, aphērēmeno atomo, "d̲rop aout" -- Hē leitourgikotēta kai to noēma tōn onomatōn.
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    Lines Left to Cross: Deglobalization and the Domestic Western in Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite.Joseph Jonghyun Jeon - 2023 - Critical Inquiry 49 (4):557-580.
    This article situates Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite (2019) within the historical logics of the Washington Consensus. In this broad context, we might think of the film’s much-heralded class critique as not quite so domestically contained as may initially appear in a film staged primarily in the confines of a single household. Instead, it opens onto a global political economic framework, which it explores through a nested structure in which class dynamics are also mobilized to explore cold-war and trade-war logics, both (...)
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  20.  80
    Notes from the (Korean) Underground: Bong Joon Ho's Parasite.Richard Michael McDonough - forthcoming - In Parasite: A Philosophical Exploration On the film Parasite by Bong Joon-Ho (2019). Leiden:
    Parasite is best seen in existential rather than moral terms. It does not issue in moral, social or economic judgements. The film describes, or perhaps portrays, the dreamlike mode of fantasy “existence” the “underground” people in a society so rigidly stratified that communication with people on the other side of the societal “lines” is literally impossible, inevitably resulting in the destruction, real or metaphorical, of everyone on both sides of those lines.
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  21. Parasite: A Philosophical Exploration On the film Parasite by Bong Joon-Ho (2019).Richard Michael McDonough (ed.) - forthcoming - Leiden:
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  22.  35
    Narrative Humility and Parasite, directed by Bong Joon Ho, 2019.Yoshiko Iwai - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (1):197-199.
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  23. Hóros y asápheia en Aristóteles. ¿Son obscuras las metáforas?Héctor Zagal Arreguín - 2001 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 23:87-120.
    Aristóteles ha pasado a la historia como el padre de la lógica. Este artículo resalta dos puntos. Primero, analiza los motivos por los cuales Aristóteles rechaza habitualmente la definición metafórica, especialmente en el ámbito de la llamada metafisica; segundo, pone al descubierto algunas inconsistencias metodológicas en el corpus al respecto.
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    Condición anímica del ahora.Jorge Mario Posada - 2011 - Studia Poliana:187-214.
    Leonardo Polo propone diversidad de tiempos de acuerdo con su diferencia con respecto a la presencia mental como actualidad, de la que cabe, a su vez, diferenciar el ahora, si bien una y otro son de condición anímica. Se proponen distintos niveles de conocimiento del ahora en lo sensible, mas no sin la objetivación intelectual de lo circular, con base en una interpretación de la noción aristotélica de hò pote ón..
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  25.  23
    Концепція корпоративної соціальної відповідальності та особливості її реалізації у діяльності організацій.Regina Andriukaitiene, Ernestas Janulionis & Valentyna Voronkova - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 76:184-199.
    In recent years, the issue of corporate social responsibility has become particularly relevant. Accelerating technological advances and increasing consumption are increasingly causing negative impacts on the environment and society that is why the organizations’ social responsibility is becoming more and more relevant every year. The experience of foreign countries shows that social responsibility is useful not only for business but also for its environment, determines the increasing number of socially responsible organizations in Lithuania and a more favorable attitude of consumers (...)
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  26.  59
    Did Shilhak School in Chosun Dynasty Make a settlement of Sung-li Debate?Dong-hee Lee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 9:279-290.
    This article has the purpose of examining the commentation that Sung-ho Yi Ik and Da-san Jung Yak-yong developed of Sa-chil Debate (사칠논쟁) Which was a philosophical debate in Chosun Dynasty. Sa-chil Debate began from Toe-gye Yi Whang and Ko-bong Gi Dae-sung and soon as a result of Yul-gok Yi Yi and Woo-gae Sung Hon repeating the debate, It appeared as a kind of philosophical theme. After that, Yul-gok and Toe-gye's students formed a kind of school. They also made the (...)
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    Phenomenology of Life and Cosmology (English).Renaud Barbaras - 2010 - Chiasmi International 12:379-392.
    Phénoménologie de la vie et cosmologieJ’ai établi dans mes précédents ouvrages que la corrélation universelle entre l’étant transcendant et la subjectivité, corrélation qui constitue l’objet propre de laphénoménologie, mettait originairement en rapport une Vie et un Monde plutôt qu’une simple conscience et son objet. J’ai donc montré que la phénoménologie s’accomplissait sous la forme d’une phénoménologie de la vie comprenant celle-ci comme le sens originaire de la conscience, elle-même déterminée comme désir pour autant qu’elle est traversée par une vie qui (...)
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  28.  7
    H. H. Bennett, Photographer: His American Landscape.Sara Rath & Tom Bamberger - 2010 - University of Wisconsin Press.
    "My energies for near a lifetime have been used almost entirely to win such prominence as I could in outdoor photography."--H. H. Bennett Henry Hamilton Bennett became a celebrated photographer in the half-century following the American Civil War. Bennett is admired for his superb depictions of dramatic landscapes of the Dells of the Wisconsin River and also for his many technical innovations in photography, including a stop-action shutter and a revolving solar printing house that is now housed at the Smithsonian (...)
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  29.  32
    Three Portraits of Bertrand Russell at Home.Constance Malleson - 2012 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 32 (2):161-169.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:January 12, 2013 (10:49 am) C:\WPdata\TYPE3202\russell 32,2 062 red.wpd 1 [For document sources and the pseudonyms used, see the entries in D.4 of the Malleson bibliography in this issue. The Wrst is under “Hemma Hos br”.z—zK.B.] 2 [Russell had given Malleson directions: “Festiniog is 3 miles from Blaenau Festiniog, along the road to Port Madoc; our cottage is a quarter of a mile from Festiniog, towards Port Madoc; the (...)
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    The Hume Literature for 1977.Roland Hall - 1978 - Hume Studies 4 (2):86-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:86. THE HUME LITERATURE FOR 1977 In my recently-published book, Fifty Years of Hume Scholarship: A Bibliographical Guide (Edinburgh University Press, 1978; ^ 5.50), the reader will find a thorough coverage of the Hume literature from 1925 to 1976, with lists of the main earlier writings on Hume, all indexed by author, language, and subject. What follows here will bring the record up to the end of 1977.· Readers (...)
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  31.  12
    La scène originelle de l'esprit: la pensée tragique.Amar Fernandes - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Si le tragique n'est pas le propre de la tragédie grecque mais bien celui de 'l'être au monde de l'homme', sa conceptualisation n'advient qu'avec Wilderlin lorsque celui-ci s'approprie la question 'Comment lit-on la tragédie?', non plus selon son acception poétique, mais en tant que forme philosophique. Et si l'on suit sa réflexion, à la question 'Qu'est-ce que le tragique?', on notera qu'il est une façon d'être au monde de manière spéculative. L'union des contraires, de la poésie et de la sagesse, (...)
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    CEO Ethical Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Moderated Mediation Model.Long-Zeng Wu, Ho Kwong Kwan, Frederick Hong-kit Yim, Randy K. Chiu & Xiaogang He - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (4):819-831.
    This study examined the relationship between CEO ethical leadership and corporate social responsibility by focusing on the mediating role of organizational ethical culture and the moderating role of managerial discretion. Based on a sample of 242 domestic Chinese firms, we found that CEO ethical leadership positively influences corporate social responsibility via organizational ethical culture. In addition, moderated path analysis indicated that CEO founder status strengthens while firm size weakens the direct effect of CEO ethical leadership on organizational ethical culture and (...)
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  33.  15
    Le système des causes chez Plutarque.Franco Ferrari - 2015 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 1:95-114.
    Cet article est consacré à la théorie des causes de Plutarque dans ses rapports avec le platonisme des premiers siècles de l’époque impériale. Le texte le plus important se trouve dans les chapitres 47-48 du dialogue De defectu oraculorum, où Plutarque présente une théorie dualiste des causes, qui admet deux genres de cause : d’une part la cause divine et rationnelle, qui comprend la cause finale et la cause efficiente, d’autre part la cause nécessaire et matérielle, qui comprend la matière (...)
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  34.  29
    Do Groups Have Moral Standing in Unregulated mHealth Research?Joon-Ho Yu & Eric Juengst - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (S1):122-128.
    Biomedical research using data from participants’ mobile devices borrows heavily from the ethos of the “citizen science” movement, by delegating data collection and transmission to its volunteer subjects. This engagement gives volunteers the opportunity to feel like partners in the research and retain a reassuring sense of control over their participation. These virtues, in turn, give both grass-roots citizen science initiatives and institutionally sponsored mHealth studies appealing features to flag in recruiting participants from the public. But while grass-roots citizen science (...)
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  35.  4
    Consensus and Solidarity: Protecting All People from Group Harms.Joon-Ho Yu - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):71-73.
    Chapman and colleagues argue that the datacentric turn in research (e.g., algorithms, artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, etc.) poses risks to groups and third parties such that up...
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    Natural Phenomena Recorded in the Đai-Viêt Su'-ky Toan-Thu', an Early Annamese Historical SourceNatural Phenomena Recorded in the Dai-Viet Su'-ky Toan-Thu', an Early Annamese Historical Source.Ho Peng-Yoke - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (2):127.
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    Sōgen jidai no kagaku gijutsu shi (History of Science and Technology in the periods of Sung and Yuan)Sogen jidai no kagaku gijutsu shi.Ho Peng-Yoke & Yabuuchi Kiyoshi - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (3):607.
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  38. Inʼgan iran muŏt inʼga.Hoe-ik Chang & Tu-Bong Ha (eds.) - 1991 - Sŏul: Minŭmsa.
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  39. Race-Based Medicine and Justice as Recognition: Exploring the Phenomenon of BiDil.Joon-ho Yu, Sara Goering & Stephanie M. Fullerton - 2009 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 18 (1):57.
    In the United States, health disparities have been framed by categories of race. Racial health disparities have been documented for cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and numerous other diseases and measures of health status. Although such disparities can be read as symptoms of disparities in healthcare access, pervasive social and economic inequities, and discrimination, some have suggested that the disparities might be due, at least in part, to biological differences based on race. Or, to be more precise, if race itself (...)
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  40.  17
    Localization and Identification of Brain Microstructural Abnormalities in Paediatric Concussion.David Stillo, Ethan Danielli, Rachelle A. Ho, Carol DeMatteo, Geoffrey B. Hall, Nicholas A. Bock, John F. Connolly & Michael D. Noseworthy - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    In the United States, approximately 2.53 million people sustain a concussion each year. Relative to adults, youth show greater cognitive deficits following concussion and a longer recovery. An accurate and reliable imaging method is needed to determine injury severity and symptom resolution. The primary objective of this study was to characterize concussions with diffusion tensor imaging. This was performed through a normative Z-scoring analysis of DTI metrics, fractional anisotropy, axial diffusivity, and radial diffusivity, to quantify patient-specific injuries and identify commonly (...)
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  41.  23
    The Development of a Sustainability-Oriented Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Education Framework: A Perspective Study.Yu Shu, Shin-Jia Ho & Tien-Chi Huang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:546725.
    Innovation can include creativity, innovation mechanisms, and entrepreneurship. The ability to innovate is an important indicator of economic and social development, and creativity is an educational indicator of learning effectiveness. This article explores creativity and innovation from an educational perspective and proposes a sustainability-oriented creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship education framework that uses creative problem solving. This framework contains four layers and three dimensions. The first layer concerns the thinker and basic structure, and the second layer contains the catalyst of sustainable (...)
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  42.  11
    Mirae sŏnjin Han'guk ŭi haengjŏng yŏn'gu.Ho-jin Ch'oe (ed.) - 2008 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Pŏmmunsa.
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    Munhwa, yuhak sasang kŭrigo simnihak =.Kŭng-ho Cho - 2019 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Hakchisa.
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  44. Niichʻe chʻŏrhak ŭi hyŏndaejŏk chomyŏng.Tong-ho Chŏng (ed.) - 1985 - Sŏul: Chʻŏngnam.
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  45. Nae nai irhŭn e tora ponŭn Soŭn Sŏnsaeng kwa na.Yi Chŏng-ho - 2023 - In T'ae-su Yi, Pak Hong-gyu ch'ŏrhak ŭi segye. Sŏul: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Kil.
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  46. Niichʻe yŏnʼgu.Tong-ho Chŏng - 1983 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Tʻamgudang.
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    Ousia und Eidos in der Metaphysik und Biologie des Aristoteles.Dae-Ho Cho - 2003 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Gemass ihrer grundlegenden Bedeutung wurde die Ousia- und Eidoslehre des Aristoteles uber viele Forschergenerationen hinweg intensiv diskutiert und steht immer noch im Mittelpunkt der Aristoteles-Forschung. Die Lehre bleibt jedoch nur einseitig interpretiert und verstanden. Ihre bisherige Interpretation hat sich allzu sehr auf die sogenannten Substanzbucher der Metaphysik beschrankt, ohne dabei den der Lehre wesentlichen biologischen Aspekten gebuhrende Beachtung zu schenken. Der Autor schliesst diese Forschungslucke. So wird im ersten Teil des Werkes Metaphysik Z, der Haupttext der Ousialehre, sorgfaltig kommentiert, und (...)
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    P'oŭn Chŏng Mong-ju wa kŭ ŭi husondŭl.Chun-ho Cho (ed.) - 2013 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Han'guk Munhwasa.
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    Ricœur and Saussure: On meaning and time.Yong-Ho Choi - 2008 - Semiotica 2008 (168):255-269.
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    Syamŏnijŭm kwa sindang.Chŏng-ho Cho (ed.) - 2020 - Sŏul: Minsogwŏn.
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